BI and Info Management Summit

Save the date - Gartner has released preliminary details for next year's BI & IM summit - to be held in Sydney on 2-3 March 2010.

Business Intelligence and Performance Management will play a significant role in helping your organisation identify and understand the potential impact of the new world order (post-global credit crisis), providing the vital insight that business leaders will find invaluable.

New ways of using BI, coupled with the increasing sophistication of analytic applications and the emergence of mash-ups, offer huge potential for IT to help build the business in this new world.

However, while BI offers significant potential in supporting the business, obstacles still abound: unengaged business sponsors; lack of business user involvement; fragmented information silos; BI toll proliferation; poor data integrity coupled with poor quality and inconsistency; skills gap; low adoption rates amongst business users.

Full details available on

BI - the Key to Competitiveness

A recent survey of more than 2500 CIOs worldwide shows that Business Intelligence and Analytics top the agenda when it comes to boosting corporate competitiveness.

The comprehensive study, conducted by IBM earlier this year, compares how fast-growth companies use technology compared with lower-growth companies.

83% of respondents indicated that Business Intelligence and Analytics were key to boosting corporate competitiveness - making BI the most popular initiative across the entire survey group.

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